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About Us allows its business members to add No Shows and the corresponding event where an interviewee or employee was a "No Show".  No Shows tend to be repeat offenders.  Small Business and Commercial members may search our member populated database for those people that were "No Shows".  This helps manage the time and resources spent (or avoided) in dealing with people that may tend to not show up to interviews or work without communication.  Commercial members may also reference their membership in employment ads as a means to deter No Shows from ever happening in the first place.

All members will be vetted to be a true representative of a legitimate business.  If you are not a business, but believe in our pursuit, you can contribute to our marketing fund here to help spread our goal to make our world more responsible and accountable.


Noshowjobs provides accountability by allowing business to submit their candidates that don’t show up for their interviews or work. You can set up an account for free as the business owner or HR manager and submit candidates. You also can check names against the data base to see if your candidates have not shown up for previous scheduled interview or jobs.

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